Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Aileen's Blog
I really love all of the poetry on this blog. It's all original and it's cool how she posts them all on her blog for everyone to read.

I like the posts on this blog because every piece has so much emotion and heart.

P e n s a m i e n t o s 
I like the posts on this blog because it is so well written. She uses so much detail in her writing, it's fun to read.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Do you have extra money? Get married.

I think this video shows how much we put into the beginning of our lives with a person. We spend so much time and money just making our relationships official. I realize that the normal isn't quite this extreme but this is just a good example. Being romantic is one thing, but this guy takes it to another level.

The average wedding costs a couple 29,000.
Nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce.
The average cost of a divorce is 15,000.